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Monday, January 30, 2012

Bye Bye Feminine Odor

By Helen Sharoe

If you have all of a sudden discovered that you have an upsetting smell "down below" you may be wondering just what to do about it, apart from washing and washing. There are a bunch of simple systems you can try which might help with your feminine odor, and if you are one of many ladies wishing to know how to get rid of feminine odor naturally, then don't give up!

One very simple natural cure is to stop utilizing shower gels, bubble baths and any other perfumed products on the vaginal area. Perfumes can strip the labial area of its protective natural lubricants and this may cause an imbalance.

This in turn may lead to an overgrowth of harmful bacteria. wash only 2 times a day and use unperfumed soap. Another good way to help get rid of feminine odor naturally is to wear a thin pantie pad. These are shockingly absorbent and can essentially "soak up" a considerable amount of discharge. The other good thing is they can be modified frequently once dampened.

Sanitary protection also should be changed extremely regularly, even when your flow is light. Menstrual blood can give off an odor once it is exposed to the air as bacteria can quickly grow. You must also ensure that you remove the last tampon of your period. For ladies wanting to know how to get rid of feminine odor, another good tip is to only wear cotton pants.

Synthetic materials can trap in moisture and warmth, making perfect conditions for bacterial expansion whereas cotton will permit air to circulate.If you regularly notice that you have got a problem with feminine odor, you may well have the common condition called bacterial vaginosis, especially if the odour is fishy-smelling and is accompanied by a watery grey or white discharge.For further methods which should teach you how to get rid of feminine odor once and for all, feel free to visit a couple of other Bacterial Vaginosis websites to get a fully balanced view on feminine odor.

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