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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hormone Replacement Therapy Side Effects- Be On The Safe Side

By Jake Alexandre

Many natural hormones in body disappear during a menopause period. Every hormone is important and essential in the body. When a single hormone is disturbed in the body or there is a change in the level of normal concentration in the body, the body does not perform the task completely. To accomplish the task of such hormones in the body, the hormone replacement therapy is very important and crucial. The adverse effect of hormonal replacement therapy is much more than the advantages of HRT. Women feel discomfort and their behavior changes during the menopause time. To reactivate the normal behavior of women, many doctors advise to take the HRT. Stroke and heart attack are two very potent diseases and the hormone replacement therapy side effects include the possibility of these two problems in the life of women.

Many researchers have conducted extensive research regarding the adverse effects of hormonal imbalance within the body of women and the side effects of HRT. It is true that during the course of therapy, a patient take the combination of progesterone and estrogen hormone. Many women only take one hormone, and it depends on the need of a hormone. Ovarian and uterine cancer risk also increases with the intake of these hormones. Endometrial cancer is also very famous and it poses great threat to the lives of patients. With the increase of medicine intake and the age of patient, chance of different types of cancers increases. Among many side effects, the blood clotting is very important and a side effect of previously administered HRT. Headache, nausea, and migraine are very important and are prominent symptoms of the HRT.

All the patients having a medical history of breast cancer, and uterine problems should not try HRT. Similarly, it is prohibited for the patients of liver and thrombosis because it can make the situation worse. HRT is performed to balance the level of estrogen and progesterone. However, there are severing negative effects of HRT including diarrhea and stomach cramps. Oral intake also cause many problems and increases the chance of developing cancer. This mostly happens because of the intake of only one hormone. A woman who takes two hormone estrogen and progesterone at a time is less likely to suffer from cancer.

Recently, two important studies undertook the negative effects of HRT. It is observed that greater chances of breast cancer and some coronary heart problems become much more active because of HRT. The risk further increases with the increase in age of a patient. Swelling of arms, acne, disturbance of menstrual cycle, and skin patches are some common symptoms and indications of hormone replacement therapy side effects. You should always consult with a specialist before taking these hormonal medicines. In addition, it is strictly recommended to tell your medical history to the doctor because it helps doctors to examine the case properly.

A few side effects of HRT are rashes and yellow eyes. Patients are provided a very low dosage of estrogen during the treatment. You can intake these hormones either by taking pills, creams, tablets, or torches.

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  1. Thanks so much for the information. I know that hormone replacement therapy los angeles can be hard for some people so I was wondering if it was difficult for all people? I found the information in this post very interesting and I would love to learn more! Can you tell me where I can find more information on this subject?

  2. Definitely a woman should keep a check on her natural hormone level. If her body starts to produce natural hormone, she should immediately stop natural hormone replacement therapy .

  3. Thanks for sharing us wonderful tips for hormone replacement for women. I will consider all the facts which you mention earlier in the blog.

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